Friday, April 17, 2009

Tagged by Fiqa

The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 6 people.

I am: missing someone rite now..~

I really want to go: rumah Gta, Kelantan

My fave place: home sweet home..~

My fave drinks: tea

My fave food: masakan umi

My fave colour: blue, black, purple

My fave show: Korea series, America Next Top Model

My hobbies: Main game, bace novel

My wishes: Work as an engineer, get married, buy a car, build a house for my mom

I want to tag Kathy, Aserol, Rosli


reSya said...

uih. lawanye umah kte~ hahaha~
xmo ajak~~~~

Husna said...

na pon x saba nak search, ape kluar bile type umah gta~ x mo ajak ke? alhamdulillah~

moroka said...

/me was tagged by fiqa gak. so xyah buat skali lagi la ek? fuh.. :)

Siti said...

sy da wat tag slm ngn org atas nih

Husna said...

moroka : kt noticed kamu da wat, so x yah wat lagi k.

busyra : sampaikanlah sendiri! =p

Takiya Genji said...

dear buddy~ hehe.. pe cite wei? ade blog gk eh.. link2~

sang kelana said...

saje nak melawat blog kamu